Council PTAs shall:

  • Support Local PTA leaders
  • Unify Local PTAs
  • Focus the attention of local leaders on higher level goals and concerns; and provide local leaders opportunities to connect​​​​​​​
  • Strengthen Local PTAs
  • Become familiar with Local PTAs
  • Build strong relationships
  • Provide training
  • Coach local leaders
  • Promote, encourage, and recognize PTA membership growth
  • Develop future PTA leaders, and
  • Assist struggling local leaders

Operate as a Council of PTAs:

  • ​​​​​​​Set Goals
  • Conduct Meetings
  • Take responsibility for association finances, membership growth, advocacy, programs and fundraising, and developing future leaders.
  • Role model effective organizational procedures and best practices.
  • Build strong relationships with ISD representatives and community leaders.
  • Practice responsible communication and social media management.
  • Spearhead community projects.
  • Assist in the formation of new Local PTAs according to the plan of the Texas PTA.
  • Work with their Field Service Representative (FSR).
  • Promote National and Texas PTA
  • Promote interest and membership within our districts and community leaders.
  • Market PTA to non-PTA campuses.
  • Build Local PTA and public support for Texas and National PTA Programs.
  • Build Local PTA and public support for Texas and National PTA legislative priorities.Council PTAs will be mindful that they work with and not in conflict with their Local PTAs.

Council PTAs shall not:

  • Legislate for the Local PTAs, including setting rules for Local PTAs and taking action involving member PTAs without their consent
  • Duplicate the work of Local PTAs, nor compete with them
  • Pay dues to the Texas or National PTAs but may pay dues to Texas PTA on behalf of Local PTAs
  • Compel Local PTAs to enter into Council PTA projects
  • Assess Local PTAs for funds without their consent
  • Change Council PTA dues or amend Council PTA bylaws without an affirmative vote of the delegates The members of Council are the PTAs, not the PTA members.

Each local unit is represented at Council by its president, principal, and three delegates selected by the local PTA. These are the voting members at Council for your local unit. Council hosts meetings throughout the school year with Local Unit Presidents and the regular Council membership to disseminate information and give members an opportunity for discussion. Regular Council membership meetings are not exclusive to the voting members, non-voting PTA leaders are welcome and encouraged to attend as well.

Statement of Purpose:  Acting as a primary channel of communication within the PTA network, the Clear Creek Community Council of PTAs provides support, guidance, information, inspiration, and instruction to its member PTAs. It serves to strengthen Local PTAs, develop leadership potential, promote PTA membership, and advance Texas PTA’s goals, programs and initiatives. The Council serves as a medium through which the local PTAs of an area can work together to solve problems beyond the scope of a single PTA working alone.

PTA’s Vision:

Every child’s potential is a reality.

PTA’s Mission:

To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

PTA’s Purpose:

  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship;

  • To raise the standards of home life;

  • To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth;

  • To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth;

  • To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

Texas PTA Values:

These core values guide our decisions and actions:

  • Collaboration:  We will work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to broaden and enhance our ability to serve and advocate for all children and families.

  • Commitment:  We are dedicated to children’s educational success, health, and well-being through strong family and community engagement, while remaining accountable to the principles upon which our association was founded.

  • Diversity:  We acknowledge the potential of everyone without regard, including but not limited to: age, culture, economic status, educational background, ethnicity, gender, geographic location, legal status, marital status, mental ability, national origin, organizational position, parental status, physical ability, political philosophy, race, religion, sexual orientation, and work experience.

  • Respect:  We value the individual contributions of members, employees, volunteers, and partners as we work collaboratively to achieve our association’s goals.

  • Accountability:  All members, employees, volunteers, and partners have a shared responsibility to align their efforts toward the achievement of our association’s strategic initiatives.

About Us

The Clear Creek Community Council of PTAs (CCCC of PTAs) serves  Local PTA/PTSA Units located in the Clear Creek and Santa Fe Independent School Districts. Our Council was chartered in May 1950 and is proud of its rich history of serving these communities.

CCCC of PTAs is a large council organized by authorization of the Texas Congress of Parents and Teachers for the purposes of promoting leadership training, providing resources, and coordinating the efforts of the Local PTA/PTSAs in its membership. We develop our programs and define our projects to fit the needs of our communities.

​For more than 100 years, the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) has provided support, information, and resources to families focused on the health and education of children. As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, PTA reminds our country of its obligations to children and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students.